October 19, 2011

Rustic Fall Bridal Shower & a Little Vegas!

My oldest sister is getting married in December!

She lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, and her wedding will be held at the beautiful Regale! At DC Ranch

My sis is coming out for a visit next week and we are going to throw her a beautiful rustic Fall Bridal Shower.  Here is some of the inspiration:

{Pinterest...how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.  You have made event planning so much easier!}

Stay tuned for photos from the shower!

Other than shower planning, I've been SUPER BUSY at work.  As some of you know,  I made the move from teaching to event planning at an awesome high school here in Orange County.  We are gearing up for our ELVIS Day (Elementary Visitation Day), in which about 1,000 kids (+parents and teachers) will be visiting our campus for a day.  TALK ABOUT CRAZINESS! I am already dreaming of Saturday morning where I will wake up....

Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas...I will see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wedding planning is my favorite!!! She needs to check out www.projectwedding.com, so many DIY brides and great help was given to me during my planning. You can get the answer to about anything and reviews for many places.
    Can't wait to see pictures!!!
