October 10, 2011

Latest Obsession...

It's no secret that I love having my nails painted.  I don't really know why - I've loved it ever since I was a kid.  There's something very feminine about a shiny coat of nail polish.  My husband wonders why I take the time to paint my nails myself.   I am a big fan of pedicures, but when it comes to my fingernails...I always paint them myself.  I suppose it reminds me of my grandma and my mom...it's a bit of a nostalgic feeling for me.

I've tried just about every brand of nail polish out there - from dirt cheep to really pricey.   And I dare say I've found the PERFECT brand - ESSIE.  At $7.79, it's a bit more expensive than a brand like Sally Hansen's, but it's much more reasonable than OPI nail polish - which can cost anywhere between $9 and $14.  I do love OPI, don't get me wrong (I'm a big fan of the color Miami Beet thanks to a kind friend who lent it to me at the Nail Salon).  But I have found Essie polish to work just as well for nearly half the price.  SCORE!

This color, Carry On, is my latest obsession.  It's the perfect Fall color - on the nail it's not too red, not too black.  And available at TARGET!  The Good To Go topcoat is also a must-buy.  It literally dries in seconds!  LOVE!

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