March 18, 2011

Skinnygirl Margarita!

I think I love Bethenny Frankel just as much as I love Giada.  You may not know this about me...but I am an avid watcher of all of the "Real Housewives" shows.  Bethenny was my favorite on the New York series, so of course I had to follow her along to Bethenny Getting Married and now Bethenny Ever After. 
 {Yes, I am aware of how ridiculous I sound}

I love her sense of humor, wit, honesty, and work ethic.  When I heard that she came out with The Skinnygirl Margarita I had to get my hands on it.  After much searching and waiting, I finally found it in stock at my local Bevmo. 

I picked up the bottle before heading to my womens' Bible study on Monday night {we drink wine at our Bible study...who doesn't?} and it got rave reviews!  It's definitely not as sweet or tart as your typical bottled margarita, but it's clean and fresh.  It doesn't leave your mouth feeling like you just sucked on 10 cubes of sugar, which we all really loved.

At $14.99 a bottle, this is quite the splurge for me {even though I got mine on sale for $12.99}.  However, at 100 calories and 1 carb per serving, the splurge on price once in a while is worth it!
Head over to Bethenny's website to read all about the Skinnygirl margarita.  She even posts ideas and recipes for a Skinnygirl Night In ~ love her!

Cheers to the weekend!


  1. Hmmmm, I might have to splurge on another one to bring next Sat night ;) I've never tried it but I think I would be hooked!

  2. Did you have it at W5G? Bummer.. I've been dying to get some... I can never find it! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Emma, I think you'd love it!

    LA, yes, I did bring it to W5G. We MISSED YOU!
