March 21, 2011

I Love L.A. ~ We Love It!

I've mentioned once or twice before that I love L.A.  From cute old towns like Pasadena Beverly Downtown L.A...I love it all. 

Last night my husband and I went to the Laker game.  Now remember, my husband is a HUGE Laker fan ~ as evident in this Lakers sign he had me paint for our door last playoff season. 

Downtown is just a 30-40 minute drive from where we live, but we really don't visit all that often.  So we decided to make a day of it.

We did a little research online for a great place to eat.  We found this cool German restaurant in the Art district of downtown.  You know how we love our German food!

Amazing bratwurst and fries!  We highly recommend it ~ such a cool vibe!

Then we headed to Staples Center!

We sat down for warm-ups and spotted lots of celebrities including Maria Shriver, Bruce Willis, Antonio Banderas, and of course, Jack Nicholson.  I was keeping my eye out for David Beckham...but no such luck. {darn!} Our seats were great for people watching!

The Lakers won, and it was an amazing game! 

We are so thankful to my husband's basketball team who surprised us with these tickets for his birthday.  He was one happy guy!


  1. I'm so jealous! I love life in the Sunshine State but I can't wait to visit California ;)

  2. Looks like fun! Nice celeb spotting!

    My mouth is watering over those brats by the way!

  3. AMAZING. You know...I'm a fan. We should meet up for lunch on LA LA LAND?

  4. Val, we really should! Where is your hometown?

  5. so is my husband!! Looks like you guys had a good time. Wish you could have joined us at Bloggy Bootcamp. I love meeting bloggers in my area!! next time.
