October 14, 2010


My best friend Jen, {whose chic and elegant wedding I posted about here}, and I have been talking about starting our own Wedding and Event Planning service for quite some time.  Jen's sister Michelle, {who threw this gorgeous Bridal Shower}, has also been a part of our conversations and ideas regarding starting our own company.  Between planning my own wedding and shower two years ago, and planning Jen's wedding and events like her Lingerie Shower, we three started to realize that we make a pretty darn good team!

After much thought, planning, dreaming, and praying...we've decided to take the plunge.  Our company is officially beginning!
Our blog is still a work in progress, but it's a start! 

I didn't know where this blog, The Sweet Life Studio, would lead me.  Turns out...it's led me here!  I am so excited to get this started with these amazing ladies ~ and to see what the future holds for us!

Thank you to my current followers ~ and to all of the ladies out there who give me so much inspiration with their creativity every day.  I appreciate you more than you know!

PLEASE visit our blog ~ become a "follower" ~ and help us spread the word!


  1. Congrats and can't wait to see more from you!

  2. congratulations and good luck!

  3. Congratulations on the new venture! How exciting! Good luck : )

  4. Thanks, ladies! The unknown is always nerve-racking. Definitely a faith test. = ) Thanks for following!

  5. How exciting! Good luck! Can't wait to see your plans come to life;)
