September 29, 2010

{Wine Wednesday} Autumn Sangria

On Sunday I posted about this delicious sangria.  Without further ado, I bring to you...


{photo courtesy of Inn the Kitchen}

2 bottles Merlot
1 bottle ginger ale
1 cup sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
4-6 apples (I used a mixture of red delicious, granny smith, and fuji)
6-10 cinnamon sticks

In a medium pot, compine Merlot, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.  Let simmer for ten minutes, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved.

Pour immediately into a sealed pitcher or other container.  Chop apples and add them to the mixture along with the cinnamon sticks.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.  Add ice and ginger ale just before serving. 

My Tips
Don't buy expensive Merlot!  I used Two-Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's.

Add the ginger ale once the mixture has cooled (just before serving).  This gives the sangria that slight fizz, which I think makes it very refreshing.

Allow the flavors to meld in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours...the longer, the better!

Make sure you simmer - and don't scorch - the wine as you cook it for ten minutes. This would cook all of the alcohol out of the wine...defeating the purpose of making the sangria in the first place. = )

This Autumn Sangria got rave reviews, and it will be a Thanksgiving and Christmas staple from here on out.  Give it a try ~ it makes you feel like Fall all over!


  1. OMG I need one of those right's been one of those days : )

  2. Oh my word!! I will be making this ASAP. = )
