September 28, 2010

Twilight Freak, Right Here!

One of my favorite blogs around is My Sweet & Saucy.  Melody, the owner and head pastry chef at the shop, is amazingly talented!  The cakes they create at Sweet & Saucy Shop are anything but ordinary.  They are in fact extraordinarily beautiful. 

After seeing this photo shoot they took part in {they made the gorgeous cake}, I am now head-over-heels in love.  Also, I am going to come right out and say it:  I LOVE TWILIGHT.  The romance, the drama, the vampires...I love it all.  I've read all the books {including the leaked Midnight Sun} cover to cover.  I can't get enough of this photo shoot.  The Twilight nerd in me so desperately wishes I could have attended Bella and Edward's wedding.  Don't worry, I do know this didn't happen in real life.

If you've read the Twilight Series, especially Breaking Dawn, then you will see that they really nailed this photo shoot.  Even if you aren't into Twilight, I feel like you could still appreciate the sheer beauty of this shoot.  Aren't these pictures GORGEOUS?

Aren't these pictures GORGEOUS? Sigh...

Be sure to check out the Sweet & Saucy Shop and follow their blog. Better yet, if you're in Orange County, stop by Long Beach and check them out!

P.S. I'm totally Team Edward

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