November 14, 2011

Feeling Thankful...{a belated Veteran's Day weekend post}

I'm feeling quite thankful this Veteran's Day weekend.  Here is a list of a few of the things I'm thankful for {in no particular order}:

1.  Sleeping in on Friday morning
2.  Getting all of my grocery shopping done by 10 a.m. on Saturday

3.  Cold, "Fall" {for California} weather
4.  Wearing my Enzos all weekend:

5.  Sipping on a hot chai tea latte while catching up with friends at a local Starbucks {and getting a good seat ~ the big leather sofa}
6.  Making a yummy Pinterest-inspired paleo breakfast:
7.  ...Also completing a Pinterest-inspired home project {post coming soon!}
8.  Curling up on our chaise lounge with the Cardinals blanket that I made for my boyfriend eight years ago {he's now my husband = )}
9.  Finding the perfect gift for my Mother-in-law at Nordstrom, and treating myself to quite a few things at Forever 21
10.  Enjoying the scent of my favorite fall candle just about 24/7:
 {Seriously - behind my favorite Anthropologie candle, it's the best scent.  Ever.  Available at Bath & Body Works}

I hope you all had an awesome long weekend ~ and took some time to count your blessings as well!

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