November 29, 2011

The Best-Kept Secret in Orange County!

I normally don't do restaurant reviews, but I feel it would be a SIN to not share this with you...

This ritzy restaurant puts your average happy hour to shame.  They have what they call the "Perfect 10" Menu ~ all items on it are under $10.  I thought, there has to be some catch, right?  All the items on that menu must be measly.  And they probably only offer it once a week...the skepticism went on and on.  

Then I tried it.

Man, was I wrong!  Not only are the portions beyond generous, but this crazy deal is offered Sunday-Thursday ALL DAY and Friday-Saturday until 6:30 p.m.  No joke.  How did I never know about this?

My husband and I both ordered the filet mignon {although there were many other tempting options, it seemed like the popular choice when looking around the restaurant}.  I was so excited to eat it, there was no way I would have been able to take a picture.  

I found the one below online ~ but what you don't see is the rich blue cheese butter that they put on top of the filet.  That was our favorite part!  
Can you believe it?  ALL this for $10!

We also tried the macaroni & cheese with smoked bacon {delicious} and the garden salad {equally yummy}.

One of our favorite parts of our meal was the bread.  We've been eating Paleo for a while lately...but sometimes you just can't say no to a warm piece of bread ~ especially some as good as this was.  They serve slightly toasted bread with a homemade olive aoli.  The aoli is a mayonnaise base with garlic, anchovies, and kalamata olives.  SO GOOD.  So worth it.

It's not every day you walk out of a restaurant wanting to call everyone you know to tell them about the next restaurant they must try ~ but we totally felt that way here.  

If you live in Orange County, or are out this way, please, please, please do yourself a favor and try Brasserie Pascal.  You won't regret it!

P.S. The restaurant is located at Fashion Island, Newport Beach...who doesn't love a little shopping after enjoying a delicious meal?

November 27, 2011

Operation Christmas Lights

After living in our home for over two years, we are finally biting the bullet.  We're hanging Christmas lights.  

This is not our house ~ but do you recognize it from one of my all-time favorite movies?  {We are teachers living in Orange County...there's no way we could afford a place like this!}  Our house will look much more "quaint", as I like to say.  We're going for the gingerbread house effect.  If it looks decent enough when we're done, I'll be sure to post. = )

We also finally put up these globe string lights out on our patio that I got for my birthday in August ~ can't wait to see what they look like in the dark!

I want to put up all of my other Christmas decor, but it's 85 degrees outside...that's just wrong.

Hope you all are having a lovely Sunday!

November 26, 2011

Fall Favorites

It's almost time to officially say goodbye to Fall.  My friend Jessi recently posted her Fall Favorites on her blog, Life's a Happy Hour, which inspired me to do the same.  Consider it my last attempt to hang on to all things Fall. 

Here are some of the products I've been loving this Fall:

13. Dark Chocolate Covered Blueberry & Acai Berries {Costco}

I hope you all had a wonderful Fall ~ Winter, here we come!

November 25, 2011

One LAST Pumpkin Recipe...

Sorry if you're completely over pumpkin, but I have to share this one last "Fall" recipe {it has chocolate in it for pete's sake!}.

Click HERE for the recipe.

I made this cake for Thanksgiving.  It was delicious, but I will say that when I make this next year, I'll make a chocolate frosting or ganache instead. = )

I hope you are savoring your Thanksgiving leftovers today...turkey sandwiches, anyone?

November 24, 2011

Wishing you a...

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1

November 23, 2011

Fall Field Trip ~ The Getty Villa

To kick off the Fall season, my husband and I took a trip up the coast to Pacific Palisades where we visited the Getty Villa.

The Getty Villa in Malibu is an educational center and museum dedicated to the study of the arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome, and Etruria.  We loved exploring its beautiful grounds on a lazy, misty Sunday.  And we couldn't help but feel like we were right back in Europe!

Here are some shots from our day:
Enjoying a mocha, a latte, and some muffins before we start our day.
"Fall outfit" + boots + coffee + art & history = Happy Ashley
View of the Pacific Ocean!


The you see what I see?

One of the many beautiful courtyards


Being silly in the gardens...this is sort of our tradition.

Mosaic tilework

Loving the Greek Key

White favorite!

We ended the day with a lunch on the beach at Gladstones, Malibu.  Although a bit overpriced, the food is pretty good, and you can't beat the people-watching or the view.

If you are in the Southern California area, you MUST visit The Getty (and The Getty Villa)!  Admission is FREE!

November 22, 2011

A Wish and A Whisk!

A girl who I went to college with started her own company called "A Wish and A Whisk". She's being gracious enough to donate one of her amazing cakes for a fundraiser some of my girlfriends and I are hosting in December.  Check out her stuff ~ I think you will be as blown away as I am by Lindsey Sinatra's talent!  You may recognize her from WE TV's hit series "Amazing Wedding Cakes"!

 {You know I had to throw that last one in there}

Isn't Lindsey amazing?!  Her cakes are pure works of art.

You HAVE to check out her site:  A Wish and A Whisk!

November 19, 2011

{Homemade} Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Don't get me wrong; I LOVE Christmas. I love the decorations, the scents, the songs, the Gingerbread Lattes in those infamous red cups, and the magical feeling about the entire month of December. BUT it bothers me just a little more than slightly when I go to Starbucks and they're already playing Christmas classics over the November. What ever happened to Thanksgiving?  It's no wonder Thanksgiving crept up on me so.  Our culture wants to skip it!

As an act of rebellion, I decided to post this delicious-looking homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe from Confections of a Foodie Bride that seems super easy to make {no fancy equipment needed}. 

No offense, Christmas, but I'm just not ready for you yet.  On Friday I'll be ready to deck the halls with the rest of the world. 

For the easy recipe for these Pumpkin Spice Lattes, click HERE!

Wishing you a cozy last weekend before Thanksgiving!

November 18, 2011

A Modern Thanksgiving Table via HWTM!

 Due to my Breaking Dawn extravaganza last night, I'm feeling sleepy to say the least {the movie was amazing by the way!}.  So, I'll keep this short and sweet.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I'm loving this stylish and modern Thanksgiving Tablescape created by Hostess With the Mostess!

Visit HWTM to see more!

November 17, 2011

Breaking Dawn! Breaking Dawn!

Remember how big of a Twitard I am?  Well...the time has come.  Breaking Dawn is in theaters tonight - or should I say this morning? 

I rounded up some of the ladies in my office, and we're heading to the 12:02 am showing. 
{Starbucks will be included}

Is anyone else as excited as I am???



In honor of Breaking Dawn making its debut tonight ~ here are some photos to get us in the Twilight spirit...

Check out this party via Hostess With The Mostess:

And I can never forget this gorgeous faux Cullen wedding featured on My Sweet & Saucy last year:

I mean.....come on.