August 26, 2011

I'm Alive!!!

Not that I think any of you have been losing sleep wondering where I am, but I felt the need to post SOMETHING about my still being alive and well. 

Things have been crazy, and my husband and I have gone through some "stuff".  Nothing to be alarmed about, just riding the roller-coaster that is life.  I just felt like with certain things going on, I was uninspired to blog.  And to be honest, taking a break to deal with LIFE has been good for the soul.

I am in a good place right now - started my new job as an Admissions Event Coordinator at a local High School and am loving it!  My husband and I started eating Paleo, and we are feeling great!  (I will post on that separately...I'm borderline obsessed).  The Summer was a whirlwind - but I am already starting to see the many blessings God has given us through some of the trials we have faced.  He is so GOOD!

I have missed browsing all of YOUR blogs - there will definitely be more of that going on.  Hopefully more blogging is in my future - I have a wedding coming up this weekend with Yours Truly and a Fall Bridal Shower to get ready for in October!  I will try to be better about posting.  

I hope all of you are doing more than well!



  1. Hope everything is okay with you and the hubby Ashley. Hope you enjoy your new job too!! :)

  2. I was missing your posts!!! Congrats on the new job, and I hope all is well. Take care!!

  3. I'm so glad your back! You were missed.
