May 10, 2011

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week at the school where I teach!

This year, Teacher Appreciation Week is hitting me a little harder than usual.  About a month ago I accepted a new job for next school year, working as the Admissions Event Coordinator for a great high school in Orange County!  I am so excited about this new phase of my life, but also sad to leave this one behind.  {More about that later -- I don't have time to get sappy!}

Anywho, I found the following adorable Teacher Appreciation gift ideas over at Sheek Shindigs.
Trust me when I say that any teacher would love any one of these!

{definitely my favorite}

{images via Sheek Shindigs}

When all else fails, a simple hand-made card will do the trick.  This one got the waterworks flowing for me this morning:

To Mrs. K, the Best Teacher in the Universe!
Thank you for all the hard work you do to make us students happy.  You are so nice and you believe in me.  You are honestly the best teacher I have ever had.  I hate that this amazing year has to end so soon, but all good things have to end.  Thank you for teaching and have fun at your new job.
You rule!


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