March 13, 2011

{Spring Forward} Lovely Sunday Bike-Ride

My husband and I live right along the Santa Ana River Trail in Orange, County.  I run along it every-so-often, but we really love taking our beach cruisers along the path when we can.  This morning we rode about 3 miles to The Orange Circle for breakfast and back.

My love affair with "The Circle" is no secret.  The fact that it is so close to us just adds to its awesomeness.
We pulled over for a quick photo ~ that's the Honda Center {a.k.a. The Pond} to the right, and Angels Stadium in the distance.

In about a half an hour or so, we made it to the Orange Circle.  Much of it hasn't been updated over the last one hundred years.  Love it!

We headed down the street to The Filling Station for breakfast.

I tried the french toast ~ unbelievable! 

Then we did some riding around all of the cute streets...picking out our next "dream home."

After cruising through Chapman University, it was time to head back home.

Go out and explore your city once in a while ~ it will give you a brand new appreciation for the wonderful place you live!


  1. I love to explore my city. I have so much fun going down streets and just taking it all in. Great post!

  2. im just about to move to the bay area and i really can't wait to explore! not just my city, but allll the cities around where we will be leaving. thanks for posting it

    and btw, i really love your blog! today i did a refashion that i think you'd like, a lace-cut out t-shirt that is no-sew! and easy to do with very little time.
    come and visit me at:

    thanks! sharde

  3. 1. Their french toast is AMAZING! Def a fave! I took a friend there from college and she devoured hers saying she would come back just to have it again ;)

    2. The green two story is the Clemen's house. They are a St. John's/LHS family. Their daughter was in all the musicals. And, the inside of their house is as picture perfect, Old Towne Orange home!

    3. We should go to breakfast down there one sunday after church!

  4. OMG, Emma...
    1. I definitely ordered the french toast...AMAZING is right.

    2. I hope they don't mind me posting their home on my blog! It's beautiful!

    3. YES, LET'S!
