March 11, 2011

Happy Friday!

I teach at a private, Lutheran school in Orange, California.  I love teaching, and I especially love teaching at a Christian school.  This week we celebrated National Lutheran Schools Week.  It was packed with fun events for the kids.  Let me give you a brief synopsis of our week.

Pre-K Play Day
{preschoolers visit my 6th grade class - my "big kids" love it!}

 Denim for Disciples Day
{kids get to wear jeans when they typically wear school uniforms.}
Teacher Switch Day
{the 5th graders come our my classroom and get a preview of 6th grade}

Ash Wednesday
{special Chapel service}
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
Faculty vs. Student Volleyball Game
{We won; woo-hoo!  And my body's still paying for it.}

PJ Day
{Students wear PJs to school...teachers, too!}
Faculty vs. Student Basketball Game
Open House/Curriculum Fair at night

Special Friends Day
{What used to be "Grandparents Day" has turned into Special Friends Day.  Adults from ages 18 up come to the classroom on this day.}

Such a fun week...but I am one EXHAUSTED teacher. 

Off to Happy-Hour with some of my teacher friends at Islands...we need it!
{image via Hip Hostess}


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