February 16, 2011

It's My Half Birthday?!

My sweet 6th grade students surprised me by celebrating my half birthday today! 

All throughout my childhood I longed to be one of those kids who got to bring in cupcakes for the class, or who got a "free homework pass" on their birthday.  But, my birthday is August 16 - right smack at the end of Summer vacation.  Usually when I tried to have pool or beach party, many of my friends were on vacation. 

My job is definitely not always a cake walk~ but I am continuously amazed by the little lives I'm blessed to teach every day.  And my students are sixth graders...so for them to do something so sweet is a pretty big deal. = )

I was greeted at my classroom door this morning by smiling Ally who had a skinny vanilla latte in hand...
Later in the day, I came into my classroom to see that my desk had been decorated with lime green streamers (it is COOL - kind of like a fort made out of streamers) and balloons.  I was also given this...

...with explicit instructions that, "Yes, you HAVE to wear it ALL day!"

Lunch time rolled around and in walks another student with this...

Love my Chicken Strips Salad from Chik-fil-A!

As if the day couldn't get any sweeter, my Room Mom popped in at 2:00 with all the goodies to make these adorable cupcakes...
{from Hello, Cupcake!}

What a fun day with my students!  I'm beginning to wonder why I've never celebrated my half birthday before!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Happy half birthday!!! I love it.

  2. Happy half birthday! Just wondering if you ever got my email? Can you email me at savethedateforcupcakes@gmail.com to make sure I have to correct email addy;o)
