January 31, 2011

{Completely Random} ABC's of Me!

I always see these on facebook...and I never {I mean never} do them.  I thought...what the heck!  

Here's a little bit about me:

A. Attached or single? Attached. Married.

B. Best friend? Nate {husband}

C. Cake or pie? Cake.  Cupcakes, please.  Ooooh, but I love a good slice of cherry pie.

D. Day of Choice? Saturday.  I love to sleep in, drink my coffee on the couch in my PJ's, and get caught up on my Foodnetwork shows! 

E. Essential Item? Coffee!  {My tinted Burt's Bees comes in at second place}

F. Favorite color? Green {any shade}

G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy worms - the sour kind.

H. Hometown? Chino Hills, CA

I. Favorite indulgence? Roy's chocolate souffle...mmm. 

J. January or July? JULY

K. Kids? None yet.

L. Life isn't complete without? Jesus.

M. Marriage Date? July 12, 2008

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 4 sisters, 1 brother

O. Oranges or apples? I usually always go with apples {fuji}...but every once in a while I go through an orange phase.  I'm in one right now.  It will last a couple of weeks.

P. Phobias? ...I don't think I have any!?  OH!  Yes, I do.  It's when people "pretend" like they're going to hit you {i.e. by swinging a bat by you or pretending like they are going to slap you}.  I realize this sounds really weird, but my big sister nearly blinded my left eye when we were little while "pretending" like she was going to hit me with a broom stick.  {OK, now my family just sounds crazy}

Q. Quotes? The Bible
R. Reasons to smile? My nieces!  They melt my heart.
S. Season of choice? Summer - anniversary, traveling...and no work! Gotta love being a teacher.
T. Tag 5 people: Tag yourself if you'd like to do this!
U. Unknown fact about me? I can roll my stomach like a belly dancer...and I crack just about every bone in my body on a daily basis. 

W. Worst habit? Stressing out!
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Well...the only time I can imagine ever needing an ultrasound will be when I'm pregnant...so ultrasound!

Y. Your favorite food? Greek & Mexican.  Aren't I eclectic?

Z. Zodiac sign? Leo.  I've been told I am a "total Leo"...whatever that means.

I'm thinking it may be fun if some of you out there do a post on the ABC's of You!  We can all use an opportunity to get to know each other out here in the world of blogging. 


January 30, 2011

Add a Little Sweetness to Your Monday!

I knew that this post by Bake at 350 entitled "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes...yeah, you heard me" was going to be promising. 

Take a look at these beauties!

Yes...that's chocolate chip cookie dough FILLING.  Are you kidding me?

I LOVE cookie dough.  I have to resist buying the big Nestle tubs because I'll make a dozen cookies and then keep the rest of the tub in my refrigerator to "snack" on.  It's bad. 

I am feeling like these Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes are definitely in my near future. 

Find the cupcake recipe here!

{photos courtesy of Bake at 350}

January 29, 2011

{Sweet Inspiration} Beautiful Burlap

The french~farmhouse feel isn't usually my style, but I couldn't help swooning over these photos while browsing Apartment Therapy.  I was searching for good ideas for a new fireplace surround and this is where I ended  up.  That's what this website will do to me!

I typically like a more modern style, but I love a little Anthropology flair every so often.  That's exactly what some of these photos remind me of.  Enough talking...on to the beauty that is burlap!

Love that chalkboard sign and those old recycled bottles!

These, I love.

And these...my favorite!  The rhinestones add such an elegant antique touch, don't you think?

If you enjoy these photos, or if this is your decorating style, check out the blog Dreamy Whites.  You won't believe Maria's ability to decorate in the french farmhouse style! 

Hope you all are enjoying this lovely weekend!  It's 66 degrees and sunny in Orange County ~ gotta love it!

January 27, 2011

Old Pasadena ~ The Real Downtown

ValSoCal's recent post entitled I Love L.A. enspired me to post some of the shots my husband and I took on a recent Saturday trip to Old Pasadena.  There truly is something so cool and unique about L.A.  From where I live in Orange County it took us about thirty minutes to get to Pasadena - why have we not gone here more often?

Make your own facial cream - so cool - and very "L.A."

Cafe Santorini to get in touch with my Greek roots and eat some delicious food!  Also gave us a chance to discuss our 2007 trip to the beautiful island of Santorini...ahh.

 Yes, that's a Forever 21.  And yes, it's huge.

This was the CUTEST children's boutique...ever.

Lunch at Cafe Santorini. Chicken Souvlaki for my husband {with an amazing tsatsiki sauce...and I am picky}.  Fettuccini with sauteed mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, and creamy feta sauce for me. Mmm-mmm-mmm. {I was obviously trying to keep it light}

If you aren't a follower of ValSoCal's blog yet, you should be!  This is how she describes herself in the About Me section of her blog:  I am very sarcastic, I drink entirely too much coffee, Self proclaimed carbaholic, If there was a Target anonymous group...I'd have to join!!

A woman after my own heart!

January 25, 2011

{Sweet Customers} Candyland Cupcakes!

I had so much fun making these Candyland themed cupcakes ~ and I've never eaten so much candy making anything in my whole life! 

Setting up all of the cupcakes at the high school sure did bring back good memories.  Oh, high school!  I thought that Miss Moon and her students did such a great job planning this dance- and talk about a fabulous theme!   You should have seen the decorations in the gym...think lollipops, cotton candy, and jars & jars full of candy.  Yum!

Thanks, Crean Lutheran High School for thinking of me!

The Sweet Life Studio Gets a New Look!

It's a new year, and a new look for The Sweet Life Studio!  After a year of playing around online and figuring out trying to figure out this whole blog thing, I decided I wanted to revamp my little blog design.  I had customized the layout as much as I was able, but still felt like something was lacking.  I don't own a business, so I wasn't willing to spend an arm and a leg on a blog design {although I was quite tempted}.  After a little searching, I found who I think is the best out there!

I was able to find a perfect predesigned blog design that was just what I was looking for.  Chic and clean!  The owner of Penny Lane Designs was great to work with - she was easy to communicate with and so very prompt! I highly recommend using her services for any of your graphic design or blogging needs. 

Visit her site HERE!

I'm feeling a little inspired...hoping it gets my booty on this blog more often!  What do you think of the new look?

January 13, 2011


My beloved blog background needed its code updated.  No biggie.  However,when I went to go find it, I found out that it was no longer in existence.  Sad day. 

I am in the process of choosing another one and tweaking the current format. 

Sorry for the awkward-ness & thanks for your patience!

{Inspiration} Candy Land Cupcakes!

I was asked by a good friend of mine to make cupcakes for the Crean Lutheran High School winter formal on January 22.  She puts on all of the extra-curricular activities at the high school, including dances {how fun!}. They are doing a Candy Land theme - how could I say no?  Something about Candy Land just screams cupcakes to me.

Here's what I've come up with for inspiration...
I'm thinking colorful, glitzy, sprinkly {OK, I'm making these words up now}, and definitely LOTS of candy!

I can't wait to make them!

Happy VERY Belated New Year!

WOW, WOW, WOW!  I am waaaaay behind on the blogging.  

I just got SO relaxed on my lovely two-week long teacher Christmas Break.  School has been back in session for two weeks now, and I am SWAMPED.   

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year's Eve.  One of the highlights of my Christmas vacation was celebrating my firstborn niece, Madison Rae's, 2nd birthday - Minnie Style!  Have you checked out her party?

Although belated, I thought you might enjoy this beautiful New Year's Eve Wedding inspiration board from Winter Wedding Ideas.  It's never too late to start planning for next year, right?

I pray for God's many blessings on your 2011!