December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas to All!

I'm online doing a little bit of research on Holiday Cocktails for Christmas Dinner. So far these are in the running. {Martha Stewart's recipes, of course}

And this yummy looking Holiday Citrus Punch

Decisions, decisions.  I love days where something so trivial as "Which cocktail should I make?" is the biggest decision I'll have to make!

My hubby is on the couch next to me playing some PS3 game {what a grown-up!} and we just finished watching Home Alone while devouring the delicious cinnamon rolls we made for breakfast.  Life is pretty good right now, and I intend to enjoy what's left of the free!

So Merry Christmas!

From our little family to yours!


  1. I'm so thirsty after looking at those FAB drinks.

  2. What a cute Christmas card! Hope you have a VERY Happy New Year~ thanks for stoppin' by;)


  3. BEAUTIFUL pictures of you two! What a gorgeous couple you make! :) Please tell me you are also modeling on the side - you my dear are stunning!! xoox
