December 9, 2010

Ba-Humbug! Feeling a Little Like...

I'm feeling a little like The Grinch...

...or even worse - Ebenezer Scrooge....

...and I'm not liking it!

It seems as though there are so many holiday events going on - and there's just not enough time in each day!
I need to snap out of this BA-HUMBUG attitude, and get with the program.

I really, really do love Christmas.  It just seems like each year is busier than the last.  I am going to snap myself out of it, and keep reminding myself that Christmas isn't about the presents, the shopping, the parties, the baking, or even the decorating.  It's about this precious little guy named Jesus...the savior of the world, born in a lowly manger, who came to die for the sins of you and me, so that we may have everlasting life.


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