September 15, 2010

{Wine Wednesday} Reggiano Lambrusco le Grotte Rosso Dolce

I love, love, love Lambrusco!  I usually opt for the inexpensive and easy-to-find Riunite brand {still a favorite} but this bottle caught my eye at Trader Joe's.  Honestly, I didn't even know that there were other Lambrusco brands! 

While doing a little research, I found that this Lambrusco is produced in the region of Emil-Romagna, just north of Tuscany.  This region also produces balsamic vinegar, parmesan cheese, and prosciutto.  No wonder it was so delicious!

It was sweet, but had more of a true red wine flavor than Riunite does.  Final verdict:  love it! And for about $6 at Trader Joe's, it's quite a steal.  Cheers!


  1. Lambrusco is my fav to! I usually buy the big bottle from Sam's Club, ha : ) I didn't no there were other brands either...good to know!

  2. I'm still a riunite fan, but this was delicious! I also saw a white lambrusco at Trader Joe's...sounds intriguing!
