September 3, 2010

Genius! A Cupcake in a Jar!

While browsing through one of my favorite blogs, P is for Party, I came across these adorable little treats!  I love, love, love cupcakes (especially red velvet).  Aren't these just the cutest?

{photos courtesy of Cakies}

Click here for DIY instructions on how to make these genius jars of yummy goodness.  Perfect for dessert, party favors, or a sweet gift.  

 I will DEFINITELY be giving these a try...and soon!


  1. That is such a cute party favor...can you see the wheels in my head turning : )

  2. I know isn't that just the greatest idea??!!

  3. Oh, My, GOSH! What a great idea! I LOVE IT! Who would not like a cupcake in a jar :)

  4. Seriously!!! BE STILL MY HEART!!! LOVE IT!

  5. Oh, they are just the CUTEST! Imagine the possibilities!
