August 18, 2010

{Wine Wednesday} 2009 Green Fin White Table Wine

I love a good glass of wine!  Maybe it's because I have Greek and Italian roots.  Or maybe it's because a glass of wine can completely relax me after a hectic day at work.  Or maybe it's because I love cheese and the two just go together so well.  Or maybe it's's delicious ~ what's not to love?

Last week I decided to venture out from my two-buck Chuck routine and try a new bottle of wine, and I was pleasantly surprised.  After this I had the crazy idea to start the series "Wine Wednesday" where I will post about a new bottle of wine I've tried.

Now trust me, I am no wine connoisseur.  You won't read any wine-specific lingo like "palate" or "components."  I have a serious lack of true wine knowledge, and I will often try wine simply based on its label (at least I'll admit it).  I like wine that tastes good, and wine that is, let's face it, inexpensive!   I'm looking forward to being a little more spontaneous with my wine choices and even finding a nice red wine that I like (eek! I'm not big on reds).  Maybe you will read about a new wine that interests you!

For the first Wine Wednesday I bring you...

2009 Green Fin White Table Wine
Find it at  Trader Joe's for $3.99

What the bottle says:  “This Green Fin White Table Wine is made entirely from organically grown grapes. This pale straw colored wine has very intense orange blossom and honey aromatics while delivering a full rich body with a core of pear and nectarine flavors followed by a smooth aftertaste that’s long and focussed. Savor the flavor of this organically grown white table wine with your favorite meal or by itself. Enjoy!”

What I think:  I love this wine!  It's sweet, but not too sweet.  To me, it tastes similar to a Riesling (which I love).  I drank it with a chicken dish and it went together really nicely.  And let's be honest...the bottle is so cute!  You can see by some of the background colors in my kitchen, that I love greens and yellows.  I saw the old Woody and surfboard on the front and that was it for me.  Then I saw the price, $3.99, and I was sold! 

I love good old Two-Buck Chuck, but I must say that the extra two dollar splurge was well worth it!


  1. I like this idea!!! I hope you find a good red wine....I'm not a big fan either, except for Lambrusco of course ;)

  2. Oh Emma Hardenman I LOVE Lambrusco to!!!! Loved it since college and don't forsee me ever stopping...hahaha!! Best part is you don't need a corckscrew to open it, that's how I roll : )

    Sweet Life it sounds like we like the same type of wine so I'm excited for you to suggest new ones for me to try!

  3. I love wine labels, too, and am proud to admit they are the first thing I notice! This bottle is so cute!

    And thanks for the great recommendation on an inexpensive bottle. With 3 kiddos to feed, I love a deal!
