August 15, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Summer!

If you've been reading my blog lately, you know that I can not complain about my summer.  My husband and I are both teachers (with no children of our own *yet*), so we have really jam-packed our summer with fun!  As it is coming to an end (we go back to work tomorrow), I can't help but reflect on what an amazing summer we've had.

Our summer began with a three-week long trip of a lifetime to Europe...
We ate amazing food and drank great wine.  We saw the most breathtaking sights, art, and architecture.  We met great people, and were incredibly humbled by the way other human beings live their lives around the world.  We are so thankful for the chance to have taken this trip!

We got back from Europe on July 10 which left us lots of opportunities to spend quality time with family and friends...
We are so thankful for our families!  Our nieces, Madison & Ella, are growing up so quickly.  They are smart, funny, and adorable!  We've been to many weddings and we can't wait for more to come in the next few months. We celebrated our 2nd Anniversary, and my in-laws celebrated their 30th!

We've gone on a few mini-vacations with both of our families as well...
We've vacationed in Palm Desert with my in-laws, and we've celebrated my oldest sister's 30th Birthday with my whole family in Las Vegas last weekend.  Because we live about twenty minutes away from the coast, we've enjoyed frequent beach days in Newport and Huntington also. 

I've buckled down and created this blog...
I've had so much fun figuring this blog thing out and getting inspired by the amazingly talented women out there who are following their passion. I've even gotten a few clients out of creating this blog! I still have interest in so many different things, but I am slowly figuring out where my place is.  In the meantime, I am thankful to have this creative outlet and I'm having a blast in the process!

Yes, I am a little sad to go back to the "real world," but I am so thankful for the experiences we've had this summer!  We are thankful for our lives; our jobs, friends, family, and opportunities.  We are thankful for the ups and the downs, and the lessons we've learned.  

I hope you too have enjoyed your summer ~ and that you take some time to count your blessings!  

Life is Sweet!

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