August 29, 2010

Back to School!

For teachers {and students} all around the world, summer is officially drawing to a close and a new school year is beginning.  Some of you may have children of your own that you have sent off already to another year, another grade.  I have had a wonderful summer, but I am ready to get back to work and get to know my new sixth graders! 

I can't get over these darling cookies I came across at Bake at 350

{all photos courtesy of Bake at 350}

Want to know how to make them?  Click here!

I am so glad I stumbled across Bake at 350!  Be sure to check out their website for lots of ideas and inspiration.

Happy New School Year to everyone!


  1. My son just started Kindergarten and I'm OF COURSE the head room mom so I'm bookmarking that page! Those are too cute not to make at some point!!

  2. Great! I am a teacher myself, and trust me, we love you Room Moms! = )
