July 15, 2010

Home, Sweet Home!

My husband and I are back from our Europe escapades!  We had a blast traveling through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.  I was blown away by the vast green fields of Germany, the enormous Alps in Switzerland, and the living history of Italy.  We made lifelong memories that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.

My husband and I are both teachers, so learning is one of our favorite things about traveling to new places.  But let's be honest...sampling the food is right up there, too!  The food was simply DELICIOUS!  Here are some food shots of our trip. 

And of course...
(ok..a lot of things sweet)

Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers for a safe and fun trip.  Although Europe was amazing, it always feels great to come home.

Stay tuned for a post featuring the German treat Schneeballen (top right photo of "Something Sweet")!


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