May 23, 2010

New Cupcake Stand!

Although I LOVE my Crate & Barrel cupcake stand, I'm always on the look-out for new ones to add to my collection.  While browsing one of my favorite blogs, The TomKat Studio, I came across this one.  Kim, the fabulous editor and designer of The TomKat Studio, posted where to find it.  I couldn't resist a new stand for only $19.99.  However, when I ordered it through Wilton, I received the disheartening email that it was out of stock.  After a little searching, and a few emails conversations with Kim and the team at Wilton (they are awesome!), I found the same stand at AmazonHallelujah!  It was like Christmas morning when I came home from work three days later to find it on my doorstep!

A big thanks to Kim for your ideas and inspiration - if you're not following her blog, you should be!

Life is Sweet,

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